
Adidas release exclusive adizero messi F50 "Blaugrana" combat boots

Lionel messi will be dressed in the new color adizero f50 in the champions league this season.
In a macy's exclusive "neon orange color on combat boots only released one month later, adidas for exclusive adizero messi has launched" the Blaugrana "color f50.New color combat boots with Barcelona's signature color plus before "neon orange" and "green earth" the combination of color, messi will be dressed in the new color war boots in the champions league, the league continued wearing neon orange color combat boots.
War boots of 4 kinds of color by joining together constitute the instep (maybe you do not recommend adidas to attempt such a design), shoe body are printed in dark way messi won the honor and the club's motto.While messi exclusive Logo on the heel position.The new color adizero f50 will select some brand retailers to sell, the price is £175.

